By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Toddlers as well as preschoolers aren't a great deal of help, but they're so wonderfully entertained by unfilled boxes, rolls of tape, and also bubble wrap that you really will not mind. Offer a four-year-old free rein with packing supplies and you could blow through their belongings prior to them getting bored and begin consuming the packing peanuts. Seriously, provide your youngest children a box and some tape and go to work. Ask them which toys they wish to donate to buddies or share with other children they might not know--it's a little thing which enables them to feel as though they may have a little say in the proceedings.
Elementary Age
For those who have children in this age range, they may be in the perfect spot--old enough to be helpful, although not so old that they've got solid sentiments. These are several jobs a 3rd grader can readily accomplish.
· Sort through their things and decide items to keep.
· Put boxes together, organize packing supplies, place color-coded labels on boxes.
· Put giveaway things in bags or boxes.
· Help empty out closets and also shelves to be ready for the professional movers.
This is an excellent age range to discuss donating gently used toys and games to charitable organizations, as well as to talk about the reason why you choose the ones you do. In the event the non-profit you select possesses a thrift shop, bring your youngsters in and allow them to observe precisely what it looks like.
Middle School
Pre-teens as well as teenagers are theoretically able to genuinely pitching in, but it could take a little ingenuity to make that occur. These children are leaving buddies, sporting activities, and school, and may be more engaged in small-time sabotage compared to actually getting in the swing and cleaning out the garage. If you need to turn to bribery to get them on board, it is sort of a modest price to invest.
· Offer to allow them to choose the shade and furniture for their new bedrooms.
· Obtain their input on what they might love to have in a new home. Certainly, they ought to be practical, yet let them know their feelings make a difference. Inquire about yards (trees, playhouses, room for a swimming pool), basements, rec rooms, along with other things that may be on their wish lists. If you view homes via the internet, show them which you like and what you don't--and explain exactly why.
· Sell unwanted stuff and divide the proceeds. Try various selling places to determine which companies are the most effective. A good number of websites require that sellers be 18, thus you will have to set the profile up and manage the auction or sale listings, but your teenagers could take the pictures, upload them, and prepare the information.
· Go the yard sale option and let them set up the tables and place price tags on stuff.
High School and College
These are the difficult years--it is tough to move at any age, however it is especially tough for high schoolers. The good news is that while they are quite disappointed, they really are of sufficient age to do some hard work whilst they pout. Here are a few tasks your teens can do to pitch in.
· Help with taking apart home furnishings.
· Smile and allow them to adorn their rooms completely like they desire. They may be moving out soon enough, and you can always paint over their selection.
· Go up in the attic and bring items down--teenagers are far more agile compared to their mom and dad (and the majority of professional movers will not go into the attic).
· Drive loads of stuff to the second hand shops or the garbage dump. Pay for their gas and junk food in the process.
· Set up excursions returning to visit good friends or go ahead and plan for buddies to come visit.
· Permit them to sell their own things online if they are over 18 years old and keep the proceeds.
· If you do a garage sale, allow them to manage the money and the online sales.
Tell the truth--if you have kids in college, it may be entirely likely that you have by now transformed that bedroom into a workout room or perhaps an home office. If your college students are home on a break before you move to El Paso, make certain they're going through all their old cartons of stuff--you will still have to move them, but possibly they will clear away enough to cut back on the volume.
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