In most homes, the kitchen is the most complex area to pack. Most spaces, it's simple enough to bring in a collection of boxes and place everything into them until it’s all packed up. The natural organization of the room makes it easy to sort the box contents. The kitchen, on the other hand, necessitates a unique technique for every kind of item. Even if you have moved many times and have become a professional at swaddling glassware and putting newsprint between plates and serving bowls, there is always that one pressing question: What should you do with the foodstuffs still in your pantry and refrigerator?
It would be uneconomical to trash, it is many times hard to work out the best method to deal with these pantry leftovers.
Packing your pantry is only a good idea a portion of the time. The most important components to ponder are the distance from origin to destination, the safety of the foodstuffs, and the expiration dates. If you are only relocating a reasonably short distance, you might want to move everything that will go neatly because there is very little time that will lapse or danger of spoilage. For interstate moves, however, check out the expiration dates and only move things with more than 6 months remaining. Non-glass spice jars and new things can be packed but open canisters and jars should be put to the side. You may also want to consider the cost of moving low-priced canned goods when added to a long distance move.
After you have set aside what you are going to pack, start getting your boxes ready. Plastic containers with sealing lids are best for food transport because cans can become too cumbersome for cardboard and plastic will block insect infestation. Keep your pantry box as tidy and snuggly packed as achievable to evade discovering a mess when you get to your destination in El Paso.
Place the items that weigh the most on the bottom and line up any squared-off or boxed items snuggly against each other. Use sealable bags and Tupperware to seal open containers of food or ingredients. You can even use dividers made of plastic or a pieces of cardboard box to keep everything upright and secure. Designate the box as breakable so there is no confusion with your movers when they load it into the moving van. As long as only nonperishable food items are in your pantry box and everything is sealed, it should be allowable to transport with the rest of the boxes, but it’s definitely a good idea to double check with your moving company concerning what can and can’t be loaded on the truck.
The first detail to think about is that things in the fridge can and will spoil if they are not managed accurately. For the most part, refrigerator goods are only taken from Point A to Point B if the move requires less than a couple hours of driving. But, it is reasonable to not want to throw out a freezer full of food and any leftover staples on moving day, but you'll have to transport it yourself. Moving companies don’t manage perishables.
To move your refrigerator things, first, be sure the fridge and freezer at the new home are turned on and working. Then, it will be acceptable to pack up your items from the fridge and freezer into a large ice chest that is about half-filled with ice. Drive the items over to the new home, put in the fridge, and relish in not having to go to the grocery store on moving day.
Finally, there is the issue of how to manage any foodstuffs you cannot or do not elect to take with you. There are numerous charities that would be glad to take the extra food off your hands and get it passed out to those who need it. Food donation is one of the most important types of local charity, so no matter if you have a few packages of mac & cheese or an entire pantry full of non-perishables, consider donating what you do not need or can’t transport to your new home. A-1 Freeman Moving Group proudly takes part in Move for Hunger, a non-profit organization that works with moving companies to collect non-perishable food items, and deliver them to food banks across the United States. Click here or on the picture above to find out more!
Nearly everyone moving from Point A to Point B has something leftover in their pantry, even if you tried your hardest to cook up leftovers. Knowing when to pack, what food can be packed, and when to donate is an important portion of the moving process. With the right amount of organization, you can arrive to your new residence in El Paso with the maximum number of safely packed non-perishable groceries and a peaceful feeling having provided the extra to those who can benefit most from it.